Trailers, Futile Predictions, and Snarkiness

This page is no longer being updated by the bloggers.  You can consider it dead, and we all know things don't just return from the dead.  Well, except for zombies.  They come back from the dead, but zombies aren't that common, right?  They only appear in multiple movies a year, a show with such a cult following that it spawned a spin off before the original series even wrapped up, and then there's even more movies parodying other zombie movies...okay fine, zombies are everywhere.  But this page.  This page is definitely dead.  We think.

1 comment:

  1. This might be my favorite page of your blog. I never know what's coming out...and you've given me official trailers AND hilarious commentating at the same time. "Please, sir, can I have some more?"
